Seeing through the retina

Traditional examination of the back of the eye (the retina) involved looking for signs of change on the surface. Thanks to REVO-OCT we can see through the surface and examine all the layers of the retina. Being able to identify and monitor abnormality within these layers is essential for early detection and diagnosis of some of the major causes of visual impairment and blindness; meaning treatments can be made available at the earliest possible moment.

The new, quick, pain-free REVO-OCT Wellness Scan is one of the most accurate ways of detecting eye disease in and beyond the retina - long before vision loss occurs. Early detection means earlier treatment, leading to better preservation of sight.


Utilising the very latest in eye scan technologies called Optical Coherence Tomography the REVO-OCT Wellness Scan provides a non invasive imaging method allowing detailed visualisation beneath the retinal surface to detect any abnormalities in the different retinal layers, to an almost cellular level, and monitor any changes over time.


The scan itself takes only a matter of seconds. It is totally non-invasive, so nothing touches your eye so it’s pain/discomfort free! You will be asked to place your chin on the rest and look at a light, which may be moved according to the area scanned.

The 2D & 3D HD-Scans are analysed and interpreted by specialised on board clinical diagnostic software. If necessary, further analysis can be undertaken by your Optometrist.


REVO-OCT Wellness Scanning allows your optometrist to detect any abnormalities in the different retinal layers, analyse these and monitor any changes over time. Meaning safer care and better preservation of sight.

Regular monitoring is key to the process as changes in the back of the eye often happen very subtly and slowly – without causing any symptoms. As such the many retinal layers should be monitored periodically with check-up scans to detect any changes from your initial base line exam.

  • It could save your vision
  • Screens for the early detection of the major causes of blindness including; Glaucoma, Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration and more…
  • Detect and diagnose conditions sooner, allowing for earlier intervention & treatment
  • Provides an increased chance of better outcomes for your ocular health and in turn your overall health.


The REVO-OCT wellness scan can detect numerous eye dieases, even in their early stages. Three of the most prominent conditions that can lead to blindness if not treated are:


    Impairs vision by damaging the optic nerve, the cable of nerve fibres that transmits coded information from the eye to the brain. It usually involves an elevation of pressure inside the eye caused by excess fluid in the front part of the eye.


    It is caused by damage to the small blood vessels in the retina, the light sensing tissue in the back of the eye. The affect of diabetic retinopathy on vision varies widely, depending on the stage of the disease.


    It is a degenerative condition of the macula, the part of the retina solely responsible for seeing in colour and for providing the sharp, central vision needed to see faces clearly, read or even drive. Plus other pathologies including retinal detachment, macular holes and many more….


The REVO OCT can detect early signs of the major eye diseases which constitute 80% of world blindness: Glaucoma, Diabetic Retinopathy, Age related Macular Degeneration, and other retinal pathologies. One of the unique benefits of the REVO OCT is that it provides an objective analysis of your retina (back-of-the-eye) in one scan.

When you take the REVO OCT examination for the first time you get a complete analysis of the back of your eye (the retinal layers) where many eye diseases start. Your results are automatically compared to a normative database and if there are any suspicious findings you will be referred to an eye specialist for further investigation.

When you return for your periodical follow-up examination, your results are also compared to your first (baseline) results to see if there have been any changes since your last check up. Because these diseases are symptomless in their early stages, when you take the REVO OCT examination you can be sure that there are no eye diseases “sneaking up” on you.

Yes! General health does not necessarily prevent retinal diseases and not all retinal diseases are associated with old age. The problem is that these diseases “sneak up on you”.

There is no pain, there are hardly any symptoms, and waiting until there is vision loss before going to see a doctor – may be too late! The damage is irreversible. The point is to detect it as early as possible so you can start treatment and prevent vision loss.

If the REVO OCT finds an abnormal parameter – we will refer you to an eye specialist with the REVO OCT scan results which will tell him/her what to look for and where. But even if the exam does not find anything, and hopefully that will be the case, we will still have a baseline examination, which we can use for a yearly follow up on the health of your eyes.

Most eye diseases develop slowly over time, and some are symptomless until their advanced stages. Every time you take the REVO OCT exam – your results are automatically compared to your previous exam because even subtle changes in your retina can be indicative of a retinal disease.

The exam itself takes only a matter of seconds per eye. It is quick, painless and non-invasive

Most optometrists will examine the front part of your eye – your cornea and lens and only the retinal surface. (Fundus imaging). The REVO OCT scans all the layers of the retina, the surface and beneath the surface. 80% of blindness is caused by back-of-the-eye diseases, so it is very important to get a periodical objective and quantitative assessment of all the layers of the retina. In addition the REVO OCT will also assess the anterior chamber, the front part of the eye which further enhances any previous corneal and lens examinations.

Yes. Within many hospitals OCT scans are commonly used and the REVO OCT scans and analytical results can easily be interpreted.

Generally, the REVO OCT needs a “clear path” in order to scan. Severe cataract will make it difficult to complete the exam. However, if the cataract is in its early stages and depending on where it is located, usually the REVO OCT can bypass it and still acquire a good informative scan. Back-of-the-eye examinations are very important to your vision wellness, so taking the REVO OCT exam is worth a try, even if you have cataract.

In most cases the REVO OCT does not require pupil dilation. We can usually measure through pupils as small as 3mm.

If your pupils are not dilated there is no problem to drive after the exam. The REVO OCT examination only uses a few flashes of light for each scan. if dilation is required then consult with your optometrist who will advise accordingly.

Yes, the REVO OCT can compensate for most refractive corrections.

Yes, generally there should be no problem doing the exam with contact lenses.