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Your eyes are arguably one of the most important parts of your body, so it’s extremely important to make sure you are keeping them in the best possible condition. We tend not to notice when there is nothing notably wrong with our vision. The moment something isn’t right, however, we tend to know straight away.

If you are experiencing any eye pain and discomfort, it is important to make sure that you contact your local Belson and Sons Eye practitioner. We are able to help you identify any issues you may be experiencing by alerting you on what you need to look out for, and what kind of help you need to seek.

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Your eyesight and vision can also be an indication of any issues with your health that you may not be able to identify by any other means. There are other health problems like having a high blood pressure and diabetes that can be signalled by your vision.

Our team at Belson and Sons have created an extensive list of common eye problems that you may be experiencing with said symptoms. This list allows you to identify any possible eye conditions you may have, and what is the best course of action for you to take. As your local opticians, your eye health is our biggest concern and we want to help you identify any potential dangers, or putting your mind at ease.

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  • Astigmatism

    Astigmatism is simply a problem with how the eye focuses light. It is very common and can be a cause of blurred vision. It can be treated by your Optometrist.

  • Blepharitis

    Can be identified by swollen, red eyelids. This is commonly caused by infection or by a skin condition. It’s not something to get worried over, but it can lead to complications if left untreated.

  • Cataracts

    Can be identified by cloudy patches that appear in the eye lens. This causing blurry and foggy vision. It is very common in people over 65.

  • Chalazion

    Very similar to a stye. Chalazion can be described as a painless swelling or lump that develops in your eyelid. It’s not harmful to you, and will usually disappear after a period of time.

  • Cloudy vision

    Cloudy vision is when your vision acts as if you’re looking through a cloudy or milky sheet of glass. This can often cause colour dullness.

  • Colour blindness

    Also known as colour vision deficiency, occurs when you find it difficult to distinguish between an array of colours.

  • Computer Vision Syndrome

    Also known as digital eye strain - Describes a group of eye and vision issues that arise from prolonged use of digital light screens and monitors.

  • Conjunctivitis

    When the membrane that covers the eye and inside of the eyelids becomes Inflamed.This man make the eye look red and have an itchy sensation.

  • Corneal ulcers

    A painful grey (sometimes white) sore on the cornea. Can feel like you have an eyelash in your eye.

  • Diabetic retinopathy

    Caused by diabetes, Diabetic retinopathy affects the blood vessels in the eye, damaging the retina.

  • Double vision

    Double vision, also known as diplopia, occurs when you see two versions of the same image. Monocular and binocular are the two types of double vision you can experience.

  • Dry eyes

    Happens when your eyes producing enough tears, which mean that the eye isn’t well lubricated, causing dry, red and irritated eyes.

  • Endophthalmitis

    When the tissue inside the eye gets inflamed. Although rare, this eye condition can be potentially serious, so it is usually treated as an emergency.

  • Eye twitching

    Muscle spasms in the lid of the eye. Completely harmless. A Painless twitch that goes away will go away on its own.

  • Floaters

    The appearance of spots or strands inside your eye liquid floating across your vision, particularly frequent against lighter backgrounds.

  • Glaucoma

    A collection of diseases that infiltrate andattack the optic nerve. This is often associated with excess pressure in the eye. The two types are chronic and acute.

  • Itchy eyes

    A regular symptom caused by certain eye conditions and allergies. Itchy eyes are short-lived and easy to treat.

  • Keratoconus

    Causes the round cornea to weaken at the centre, altering it to a cone-like shape. This affects the way the eye focuses and can cause distorted or blurred vision.

  • Lazy eye

    Also known as amblyopia. This condition is very common in young children and usually means that one eye is weaker than the other, causing it to drift.

  • Long-sightedness

    Also known as hyperopia. You can see objects that are relatively far away quite clearly, but those close to your eyes will be out of focus. It’s quite common in the population and can be very easy to treat with glasses or lenses.

  • Macular degeneration

    Affects your central vision and your ability to focus on things like driving, faces and reading. There are two types: dry and wet.

  • Myopia

    More commonly known as short-sightedness. Those with myopia / Short-sightedness can see things clearly up close, but struggle to see things far away as they are blurred.

  • Ocular hypertension

    Raised eye pressure that occurs because the eye struggles with draining the fluid inside it. People that live with ocular hypertension have an increased risk of developing glaucoma, a more serious eye condition. Ocular hypertension is symptomless.

  • Ocular migraines

    Distortion or vision loss in one eye. Sometimes accompanied by a headache. Also referred to as a retinal or eye migraine.

  • Optic neuritis

    This is caused by an inflammation of the optic nerve. This eye condition can disrupt the messages being sent from your eye to your brain, therefore disrupting what your brain thinks you are seeing.

  • Pinguecula

    An eye condition regularly is seen, the older the person gets. Yellow bumps are formed on the whites of your eyes/eye. It is usually regarded as harmless and painless and typically formed by long-term exposure to UV light from the sun or UV emitting devices.

  • Photophobia

    Also referred to as light sensitivity, photophobia is a symptom of light intolerance that can cause uncomfortable and painful eyes when exposed to bright light.

  • Presbyopia

    A naturally occurring loss of elasticity of the lens from around the age of 40 that affects your ability to focus on things close to you in your line of sight.

  • Ptosis

    More commonly referred to as as a droopy eyelid. This can happen to anyone, at any age and can either impact one or both eyes.

  • Puffy eyes

    Puffy eyes make your eyes look like they are swollen. It is said that puffy eyes can be caused by a number of different factors, including lifestyle of weather conditions. It is usually nothing to worry about.

  • Red eye

    Whilst it may look alarming, it can usually be a signal for a a minor eye condition like conjunctivitis. It can be a more serious issue however, if you feel any pain.

  • Retinal detachment

    Occurs when the retina pulls away from the blood vessels present which allows them to remain healthy.

  • Scratched eye

    Also referred to as a corneal abrasion. Scratched eyes are a pretty common occurrence, but their severity levels can differ, some being more serious than others.

  • Snow blindness

    Also referred to as photokeratitis. This eye condition is a temporary one. It can be sometimes painful and caused when the cornea becomes sunburned due to excessive exposure to UV light.

  • Stye

    Although painful, styles are usually nothing to worry about. Your eye/eyes will treat them on their own, and they’ll usually clear themselves up after about a week or two.

  • Swollen eyelid

    There are an array of different reasons one might experience swollen eyelids. Contact your local optometrist for advice.

  • Tunnel vision

    This happens when your peripheral vision, also referred to as your side or linear vision, decreases inefficiency or is lost. As the name suggests, having this condition can make it seem like you are peering through a long tunnel.

  • Watering eyes

    Watering eyes occur if you have too many tears are produced, or if your eyes can’t drain properly causing them to be sore, uncomfortable and blurred. This can also be a symptom of overactive tear glands.

peripheral vision essex


We provide a sympathetic service to small children (including infants we are happy to see children at any age), the elderly and those with special educational needs. We provide a Domiciliary (Home Visit) Eye Examination Service under contract to the NHS for patients who are unable to attend one of our practices without substantial assistance.

In addition to our Standard Eye Examination, we offer a number of additional services.