A Dispensing Optician (D.O.) is a qualified Professional who specialises in ensuring that the glasses you choose are appropriate for your prescription, correct for the job or hobbies you want to use them for, and (rather importantly) that they suit you and look good. A D.O. must be registered with the General Optical Council of Great Britain, especially if they dispense glasses for children or those with Impaired Vision.
An Optometrist (formerly known as an Ophthalmic Optician) is a qualified Professional who examines your eyes, determines your prescription and who is also qualified to detect and in some case treat eye diseases. Some Optometrists also fit contact lenses. No-one may carry out these tasks in the UK unless they are registered with the General Optical Council.
The term "Optician" now has no legal status on its own, and can in theory be used by anyone. It is sometimes used by unqualified people who merely "sell glasses".
Belson and Sons' current fee for a Standard Eye Examination is £35. However, we provide a range of other services for which different fee structures apply.
You are entitled to an eye examination free of charge under the NHS if you satisfy certain conditions. Please speak with one of our members of staff to find out if you are eligible
The cost of glasses varies depending on NHS entitlement, choice of frames and lenses. We have a large range to cater for all. Our expert team will assist you in selecting the right product for you.
Making an appointment couldn't be easier. Whether you prefer to book online, speak to one of our team on the phone or in-store, or send us an email, we ensure you will find booking with us is straight forward
Our Optometrist will advise you should you need any extra tests for glaucoma.
We believe that the younger the better. If you feel your child may not be seeing clearly, speak to one of our staff members where they will advise you. We do advise all children to be examined even if you haven't noticed any issues.
Our examinations are highly thorough. All the details on what happens can be found under services, standard eye examination. You can always ask us should you want to know more. Our staff will always be willing to answer your questions.