Glaucoma: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments | Infographic

Glaucoma: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments | Infographic

Do you see halos and glares around the lights, or is there a sudden vision loss, or do you experience a severe headache and pain in your eyes? Well, you could be possibly suffering from a severe eye disorder, known as Glaucoma.

Nowadays, adults, as well as kids, are spending most of their time on electronic gadgets, laptops, and computers. Furthermore direct exposure to UV rays, harmful air components, not eating a well-balanced diet, not wearing sunglasses, overuse of eye-drops are some of the factors which can damage your eyes and can gradually lead to vision loss as well.

To preserve a healthy eyesight it is highly recommended to maintain a well-balanced diet, exercise, quit smoking and a regular checkup from the ophthalmologist or opticians in Essex. Many a time people undermine above-mentioned factors, thus, resulting in permanent eye damage or eyesight. Glaucoma is one such eye disorder which occurs due to several reasons, and, the unfortunate part is, it is often diagnosed in the later stage. Well, this happens because the glaucoma symptoms are not easy to ascertain due to which the patient remains unaware.

One can also look for nearest glaucoma referral refinement service by well-known opticians in Essex before heading straight to the expert for the comprehensive glaucoma test. Following infographics gives a detailed insight into the Glaucoma, its causes, and treatments available.

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